Sunday, January 30, 2011

Getting Deep - Beatle songs dissected

      Well, the first webcast was quite an experience.  I learned that it can be very rewarding for the performer, as well as the viewer/blogger!   It's a medium that is just beginning.  A whole new way to do gigs.  This has definitely inspired me to continue.   My server graciously lets us view a recording of the show for seven days after the broadcast, which is something I'm a bit hesitant about in the future...But, this has enabled me to watch the tape (for lack of a better term) and realize that I need to eliminate distortion in the audio.  The camera looks good, but the microphone is super-basic.  There is no upgrade in the audio quality of the built-in microphones on the webcams.  I'll have to write them about this.  They think we're only going to talk to each other.   Oh, well, until then...I'll keep struggling to get lo-fi sounding like something.  I know, I'm complaining already about this cheap technology!  I'm soooo this decade!

     But, for my next webcast, I've decided to take apart some Beatle songs.  I've been very occupied with Beatle music over the last few years, having launched my band, Mystery Trip.  We've collectively learned over 70 songs at this point by these guys.  And my wife has suggested that I give a dissertation about why great songs work.  Apparently, she has enjoyed my take on what I believe are the reasons music made by geniuses captivates us.
      In my first blog, I wrote about the great Beatle song, "Girl".  In the next webcast,  I'll talk about that one, a Lennon composition, and definitely a McCartney song, and we'll see where it goes from there.
     There were also a few requests after the last broadcast that I'll try to address, and some new stories that I can't wait to lay on you all!

log on to
a few minutes before and watch/participate/turn it up!
(you just need an internet connection and a screen)

Until then - cheers, Rob

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Webcast! - 8pm Thursday

So,  I'm off and running! (I hope)   I'm inviting anyone who reads this to join me for a free webcast tomorrow - Thursday 27th @ 8pm Central Time.   As I've said before, it'll be about music - whatever is in my "cache" at the time, if you will.  And there'll be songs, as will be the case most every time.  When you come to this, you just need to sign up on the site that is hosting. 

@ 7:55, Go to:

They'll require that you sign up (for free) - takes 2 seconds.  This way you can interact with me as I broadcast.  I'll see your chat remarks and will respond.

Tomorrow night, my dogs and I will be making some noise out in my garage - and I plan to keep these transmissions coming.   Frampton has me going all over Europe beginning in March, so I wanted to get up and running so I can broadcast from around the globe.  Then, we're doing "Frampton Comes Alive" this summer in it's entirety, I believe! all over the US.  So these will come from hotel rooms, bunks on the bus, etc - who knows?

I ask everyone to help me get this as good as it can be, so give me feedback about any tech issues as the webcasts go down.  But, I'll do my best to test the circuits ahead of time, and do some hollerin' for ya.

Hope to see some of you there!

Cheers, Rob

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Using all this technology...

Okay.  I will admit yet again that I did not like social networking when it first came out.  I'll give credit now to my new friend, Jason Scheff, for recently changing my mind on how to use the internet and it's accompanying toys to create something fun.  Now it's fun for me, at least.  After all, it reminds me of the old joke, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this... Well don't do that."   Any one of us can put out any thoughts or any message that we feel like, and nobody is required to listen.  So, my criticism of blogging - who cares about what someone had for breakfast? - is now meaningless.  Here I am after all...blogging away.
  So, to get to my point, after performing a holiday webcast with my friend, Jason, I've been inspired to jump in and get my feet wet with my own web cam (yet to be purchased).  I am a performer, by profession, after all.  And, I've found that folks do find the inner workings of making music pretty interesting.  I'm going to broadcast some simple webcasts of myself, while I get used to running the technology.  I'm hoping people will bear with me at this stage, and give feedback.  I'll always sing something and probably discuss musician ins and outs and what have yous.    What I found extra special about the webcast format is that whoever is choosing to tune in is right in the conversation.  This is so different than a usual performance, where the audience is supposed to be quiet and listen until the song's over.   I found this element to be really cool on my first try with Jason.  It takes performing to another place.  More collaborative, if you will.
     I'll be doing new songs, old song, covers, requests and answer some questions.
I'll answer one right now that I get all the time - "He's super cool.  He's one of the most talented musicians ever, in my opinion."
     Will anyone be interested in my doing this? Not sure.  But, I am QUITE sure that at least it'll get beamed somehow out into the universe, and then, in the future some ancient alien will dig track 8 from my record, and use it at a key moment in a reality show.  Duh!
    Okay, so you see that I'm feeling a bit frisky today.  Feeling good.  Kind of inspired by some recent musical high points.    And, right at this moment I'm kind of in the mood to do a gig, but I don't own a webcam yet.  So, once Best Buy gets some of my money, (probably today) we'll see what kind of trouble all this kooky talk gets me into.   Cheers, Rob

Sunday, January 9, 2011


      Today I've decided to take a rest day.  Football's on, and I've worked pretty hard for a bunch of days.  Most of those days were pretty ridiculous hours, also.  Fiddling around on my computer, in my studio all day and into the wee hours, punching a little vocal part for the twelfth time.  Learning tunes, singing hard, rehearsing.  As a freelancer guy, I've always battled between taking advantage of the freedom of being my own boss, enjoying some "well deserved" time off.  Like the Dude - I'm great at "takin 'er easy for all us sinners".  And then, conversely, transforming into a workaholic, as they say in the parlance of our times.
       When I'm not on the road, and have a job in my studio, people usually give me a deadline, which I love.  I've always said I work really great with a gun to my head.  Never late, occasionally early to that deadline date.   The problem right now is that I'm flyin' free a bit.  I just set a deadline for myself.  (The details to be revealed at a later date...)  And with just me, myself and I to be accountable to, it's way different.  Not sure why that is the case.   I'm finding myself in the middle of that workaholic feeling, not wanting to lose my momentum, but knowing I've got to learn from past mistakes.
      Believe me, it has worked really well for me to roll along for days at a time, I'm talking like 21 days in a row kind of thing.  Just go.  Take my lumps, physically, barely resting, and cross stuff off of my list left and right.  Then,just before the deadline,  go underground.  Next, when panic sets in, I rush to the finish line.  It's just the way I do it.   But, those may have been the habits of a younger, more foolish dude.   Right now, I need to get to February 11th intact.  Healthy, and hopefully still working out - like my new year's resolution tells me to do.  And, as importantly, get my goals accomplished.
      The good news is, I'm enjoying the glories of a well set up workspace.  That's one of my non-negotiables.   I really can't create well in a funk-ed up space.  It's probably one of the reasons I'm desperately feeling a tug towards hitting it hard again today.  My studio rocks!   
      So, I'm calling today, Sunday, my day of rest - not procrastination.  And, dammit, back to hittin' it tomorrow!  If only I had some Kahlua, I'd fix myself a White Russian. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Me and the Beatles

This is my first attempt at blogging. I was always the first one to laugh about the whole concept. I guess I don't care. You don't have to read this if you don't want to.

Tonight I had to learn the song "Girl" for my beatle band rehearsal tomorrow. Here's a shocker - my mind was blown AGAIN by these guys. I think we're 70 songs into their catalogue, and the genius continues to be revealed in what they did. John wrote this song when he was 25 or so. When I'm learning the melody and the phrasing, I could have sworn it was something given to us by one of our elders. Such a sophisticated melody, sounding timeless. And not an easy one to sing. For me, anyway. But you find out why they were compelled to accentuate the breathing in sound on the choruses. You really run out of breath there, being no time for a breath at the end of the verse. It's just the natural place for a breath. And Lennon, being the smart ass that he was, probably needed to take the piss out of the fact that he was singing so well. It's really beautiful - and not in a pretty, sensitive way. In a purely workmanlike way. The Liverpoodlians (sp?) would have wanted to underscore the toughness. But the work ethic made them need to be great in contrast to it. The tough guy artist, if you will.

In any event, it's a great tune to be able to play - hope I do it justice!